
What is a MahaPrabhuji  Baithak?

Throughout  in India, the places where Shri Mahaprabhuji during aapshri’s visits recited and conducted seminars on Srimad Bhagwat is called a Baithak or The seat.The details on these places is available to us entirely due to the efforts of Shri Gokulnathji (The fourth son of Shri Gusaiji).

The Significance of a Baithak:

Till date also innumerable vaishnavs travel by rail and road to visit these Baithaks, at times travelling on hazardous roads leading to remotely situated Baithaks in forests and on mountains and take immense divine pleasure in paying respects to Shri Mahaprabhuji and performing any given tasks (Seva). In today’s times while traveling many a miles to visit a Baithak, performing various duties (sevas) and understanding the importance of them in gathering top priority it is essential that we understand the significance of the same.

Shri Mahaprabhuji graced this earth for 52 years and 2 months during which thrice aapshri toured India barefoot only to spread the principles of Pushtimarg. Conducting Shrimad Bhagwat seminars, debating with scholars and heads of other religions and establishing the ethics of “Shudhadvaita Brahmavada” was a great task that aapshri undertook.

If we have some prior knowledge regarding the Baithak that we are scheduled to visit, its brief history and its significance etc. it is certain that when we are performing our various tasks there will be a sense of belonging to that place, a sense of the heavenly environment existing at Shri Mahaprabhuji’s time and a divine aroma of Shri Mahaprabhuji’s presence will be felt.

Our eagerness to be at the service of The Lotus Feet of Shri Mahaprabhuji and our concentration towards aapshri, i.e. teachings, morals is absolutely essential, let it be at the Baithakji or within our homes.

Shri Mahaprabhuji resides as our Acharyaji within a Baithakji. Therefore the environment within should be of a complimentary one to his nature. Simple, quiet and serene……..easygoing and cool. Evenly handspread cowdung flooring and the seat where Shri Acharyaji used to be seated while conducting Srimad Bhagwat Sermons; exhales a sence of pure sanctity and purity. Of course due to maintenance problems, the cowdung floorings and seat have been replaced by white marble at few places enabling the devotees to keep the place clean.

Jai Shree Krishna